Gillivervet Complaints Procedure

Active – Dec 07

Client Care Manager:  John C Gilliver

Clients advised of procedure via a) Website b) Sign at Practice

All complaints must be recorded in the complaints book, recording:

i)Date & Time

ii)Action taken

iii)Customer evaluation

Customer care training will be given to all members of staff.


  1. VERBAL – hopefully all members (following training) will be able to address minor incidents, if they cannot then these should be passed to relevant managers.

  2. WRITTEN COMPLAINTS – These will be addressed by relevant managers & Client Care Manager.

Our policy will be to acknowledge these complaints within 3 working days.

Relevant staff will be interviewed & asked for a written statement, to be recorded in the complaints book.

The client may be invited to discuss face to face.

Draft response to client with a full explanation to which all relevant staff are privy.

Full response to client within 10 working days of complaint

This is all dealt with within the practice

If no satisfactory outcome with client & they then seek outside advice (litigation) then this is then passed onto our advisors. R.C.V.S/VDS

Gillivervet Limited

Garwood, Bolton Road, Anderton,
Near Chorley, Lancashire PR6 9HN

Tel: 01257 483161

Fax: 01257 474671

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