About Gillivervet

High quality equine veterinary care for the horses of Lancashire.

Established in 1989 by equine vet John C Gilliver, our ambulatory and first opinion equine practice in Anderton aims to be the number one choice for equine clients in the Chorley and Lancashire regions.

The son of a dairy farmer, John developed a passion for horses early in life. He started riding at the age of six, and was breeding ponies by the time he was 14!

This longrunning love of horses is shared by his fellow team members, who intend to provide the highest standards of service possible and deliver compassionate, high quality veterinary services.

The practice has achieved an RCVS “outstanding” level in their ambulatory and client service awards, and we offer a 24/7 ambulatory service for emergencies and a wide range of mobile services.

We’re a BEVA approved practice for artificial insemination using frozen and chilled semen, with facilities onsite for storing frozen semen.

Our premises hold extensive facilities, including onsite stabling, a reproduction building, a laboratory, a dedicated JMB measuring room, a treatment room with stocks and large inpatient stables with CCTV monitoring.

We’ve got a dedicated trot up area, an outdoor arena and a weighbridge in practice for clients, should you want to monitor your horse’s weight.

We can carry out full diagnostic and lameness investigation procedures, including remedial farriery, and are well-equipped to perform routine and complex dental procedures. We are also regularly visited by the Equine Dental Clinic in Dorset.

Our team also has access to digital radiography, ultrasound, class IV laser and shockwave equipment.

Our love of equine veterinary care extends beyond our practice and mobile work, as we love getting involved with our local equine community. 

Two women in navy blue jackets are standing by a railing outside. One is holding a blue cap with Gilliver on it, while the other holds a rope. They are smiling and engaged in conversation, with a green structure in the background.

We regularly hold client evenings, sponsor local riding clubs and country shows, have a stand at STARS Championships and attend events like Aintree and Bold Heath as the designated vets on call.  

Give us a call today to learn how we can support you and your horse.